Here are 9 things you can do (with me, because I'm on board with them all)!
This blog is too long because I talk too much here's a glance at what's to come.

Ugh, it’s not the greatest of times. Before I start with this blog, I want to share some FACTS about COVID-19 because I feel like it’s easy to get lost in the information that the media is sharing. Some of this information is accurate, some of which is misinformation. Here are some trusted websites where you can educate yourself on what is going:
Know the facts about coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - Government of Canada
Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors - CDC
COVID-19 Info for Albertans - Government of Alberta
Now on to the blog.
Although I work full time during the day (from home!) I still have a lot of time on my hands after my work is done. Yeah, Netflix and chill are great, but to be honest, I can only sit and watch Netflix for so long. Previously, I would plan hangouts with friends, go on dates, go to the gym, go out to dinner and bars, etc. I’d do the things that most of us like to do: get social and interact with others. However, now that that’s not an option. I’ve noticed myself go a little crazy while at home so I created a list for myself that I want to share with you.
This isn’t the only list out there and I’m glad people are using their social platforms to share their routines currently. Hopefully, this helps, and if there’s anything you’ve done that has helped you out, please let me know!! My DMs are always open.
Okay, let’s get to it!
Organize and clean your: room, house, closet, makeup, life...
I personally find cleaning very therapeutic because I get to see the space I surround myself in go clean. I love to organize and move around furniture, plants, and other things that change up my space a little bit. Grab some Lysol wipes, a dry cloth, and clean all surfaces! I did this over the weekend and seeing the wipes all black from the dust was gross but also satisfying because I knew how clean everything would be once I was done.
Besides cleaning the surfaces and drawers in your room/house, for all of us makeup lovers and users, it’s important to clean this too. If you have makeup, chances are, you use it and put it back in your kit and just kind of let it all pile up with new makeup you get. I love to organize and de-clutter and one of my favourite things to do is sort through my makeup. I don't even have that much makeup but every time I find some products that I have not used in over a year, I toss them out. Don’t hoard your makeup. Give it away, throw it out if it smells funky or hasn’t been used in a while, or check the expiration date to see if you should be keeping it or not. Besides cleaning your actual makeup products, keep in mind that our makeup tools store a lot of dirt, dust, and bacteria as well.
Clean your clothes and then SELL or DONATE them! I spent a whole weekend recently cleaning my closet and room. I found so many cute clothes that are either not my style anymore or don’t fit me. I decided to donate a bunch and sell the rest! I set up an Instagram page for it and also promoted the clothes on Facebook Marketplace. So far I’ve sold 4 items, and I’m hoping to sell the rest! This is a great way to earn some money back, although I’m selling these clothes at a discount, it’s better than tossing them.
Cook and bake
Fun fact: back in junior high so 9-10 years ago, I used to take cake decorating classes at Michales. I spent way too much time watching Cake Boss on TLC and wanted to try this art form for myself. Anyway...if you’re not a fan of cooking and being in the kitchen then this isn’t for you. If you don’t like to cook you can always give it another shot, if not then that’s okay. However, for those who do enjoy making food why not experiment and try some new recipes! Use the ingredients and spices you have to entertain yourself and your taste buds.
Stay active!
Before COVID-19 shut everything down, I used the gym at work and went to the local YMCA and worked out there. I know a lot of people whose biggest concern in all this was “how am I going to get my workout in now?!?!”. There are so many bodyweight workouts that you can do at home and you can find some on Pinterest, YouTube, the BodyBuilding website, or make your own (do a few squats, crunches, etc.). If you’re not someone capable (or willing) to get down with a sweaty workout, go out for a walk. The fresh air is helpful and it’s healthy to go outside, move your body a bit, and absorb some natural vitamin D. Everyone is very static now, either working from home, taking online classes or doing something else, it is crucial to get up every now and then and stretch, move around, and treat your body well.
I simply don’t understand how some people HATE reading. There are definitely books and blogs I’ve read that made me feel that way, content I dreaded reading and that made me feel miserable. However, note that it was the book/blog that made me feel that way not the actual act of reading. Just like there is the music we like and dislike or certain items of clothing we find revolting or love to wear, I think there are books or blogs for everyone as well. Sure, maybe you don’t enjoy what those around you are reading but venture out and find something that interests you. Read some interesting story that will distract you from what we’re going through now, or read a self-help book and work on yourself like that, and if you don’t want to read at all then there are audiobooks available as well. Long story short, ask your family if they have a book you can borrow (since libraries are closed), find a book to read online, or google some topic you’re curious about and read about that!
Netflix (duh)
I don’t even need to say too much about this but wind down with some Netflix and chill out for a bit. I’m currently waiting on season 3 from Money Heist and season 3 from Ozark. I LOVE those shows, and some other shows I’d recommend are: Sex Education, Gossip Girl, Narcos, End of the Fucking World, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and I’ve got more. Feel free to reach out to me (hyperlink) with your recommendations or if you want my recommendations! These are all just shows but there’s plenty of good stand-ups and movies that can help you pass the time. Make some tea/coffee/matcha, grab a snack and chill tf out!
Now that people are sitting at home and can’t go out and get social we are all spending a lot more time on our computers, phones, tablets, etc. You’re reading this blog (thank you!!) you’re listening to music/a podcast, you’re getting ready to watch Netflix, you’re spending 12902983 hours on get my point. This is the time that we are consuming ALL the content which means it’s time to make even more content!! I’m writing this blog that you’re reading now while working from home. I needed a bit of a break from my work and decided to write. I’ve spent more time than I’m proud to admit on TikTok and I’ll be learning some new dances later too haha (also, keeps me moving as well!). If you’ve always wanted to try something, for me it was blogging and making YouTube videos, then start now!! You’re at home with some time to spare. You have nothing to lose! Create content that you enjoy making and post it for yourself. Gary Vee talks a lot about this and I’d recommend listening to him and reading this blog.
If you’re not someone comfortable with content creation or it’s not something that interests you then that’s okay! I’ve met a lot of people (and I’m like this too) who say they’ve always wanted to start a YouTube channel or be more active online, and all I’m saying is that NOW is the time!
Learn something new
We are so lucky to have access to the internet and plenty of online resources. Getting a university/college education is one thing, but there is SO much more you can learn online and for FREE. Lynda (free with a Calgary Public Library membership, check if your library/job/university has something like this too), Skillshare and Hubspot which offers a lot of marketing certifications and lessons are the few sites that come to mind. If you know of any, please let me know! I am working from home during the day and don’t have too much time for these, but on my to-do list is completing the Google Analytics and Google AdWords courses and a few more from Hubspot that I think will benefit me as a marketing major.
Just take a course in something you’re interested in! The ones above may not interest you at all, but if you’re curious about how to cook something, how to sew or knit, how to speak another language...the possibilities are endless and with all the resources online you’ve got no excuse to learn something new!
Pick up a new hobby
Similar to the point above, you can take some online classes and learn something new and you can also pick up a new hobby! Make some music made super easy nowadays with phone/laptop, learn a new instrument if you have one in your home, draw and paint, learn another language..just find some creative outlet! The hussle culture is very prominent now and although it’s important to hussle and get s*** done, it’s also important to balance all that with something you do just for yourself.
Pamper Yourself
Now that you’re home, be extraaaaaa (or more extra than usual haha) and do a face steam, make some face masks, take extra long with your skincare, paint your nails, etc. You get me.
Now that I listed off 9 of the things that came to my mind when I was thinking of what to do with my spare time, I hope that you found someting to do as well! It’s a difficult time for everyone, so be patient and helpful. Take the time to take care of yourself and your friends and family and this too shall pass.
- Jana with a Y