If you're reading this, you're probably a fan of coffee! Well hello, me too. Let me share with you my go-to cold brew and iced coffee recipe that I love to make.
I love love coffee, not even the caffeine which definitely helps during the day but the flavour as well. I catch myself making coffee late in the day because I crave the flavour, so I choose a decaffeinated option so that I can sleep well at night. I like hot and cold coffee equally, but in the mornings I definitely prefer a hot cup of coffee. However, throughout the day I find myself craving iced coffee and this recipe is for that craving.
Whole coffee beans (or already ground coffee beans if that's all you have or if you don't have a coffee grinder)
Coffee bean grinder
Cold water
A French press
HERE'S MY RECIPE: how to make COLD BREW and just a regular ICED COFEE *refer to step 4*
Grind up your beans (decaffeinated or regular, up to you)! Or, if you have ground beans already then you're set, go to step 2 haha.
Add the grinds to your French press. I have a small French press and usually do about 3 Tbsp of coffee and fill the rest of the press with cold water.
Using cold water make sure coffee is fully saturated.
Place your French press in the fridge for 12-14 hours and cover your French press to avoid absorbing any other aromas. Note: if you just want to make iced coffee and not cold brew, leave the French press in the freezer for 2-4 hours and you can consume it the day of.
After the 12-14 hours have passed (if you're making cold brew) or the 2-4 hours (for iced cofee) plunge the French press just as you would normally.
And you're done! Ready to DRINK.
If you make more cold brew than you can drink, that's alright, just place your unfinished cold brew back in the fridge for up to 2 weeks! Make sure to cover it so that it does not absorb any smells from your fridge. What I found out is that when making cold brew, the chemical process doesn’t change, since the temperature doesn’t. You could drink your cold brew today and then in a few days and it should taste the same (as long as you keep it covered! You don't want any funky smells from your fridge getting to it).
Until next time, stay caffeinated!
- Jana with a Y