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I Tried an At Home Laser Hair Removal Handset So That You Don’t Have To

I used the handset for 8 weeks and here is my very honest review on the Kenzzi IPL with photos! (maybe a little TMI, whoops sorry)

This is a longer blog, point form recap at the bottom haha ☺️.

Oh and Part 2 on the return process coming soon...😶


When it comes to body hair, I was a little too genetically gifted in that department. I started waxing and shaving at 12, so it’s been about 10 years of hair removal for me. I’ve tried waxing, shaving, shaving creams, sugaring, and epilating. I can write another blog more in depth about those and my overall thoughts, but what I’ve done most consistently throughout the years is waxing and shaving. However, in the last year or so I’ve gotten a lot more serious into exploring laser hair removal options. 

At the end of 2019, I ended up booking 5 sessions of full leg and bikini laser hair removal but had to cancel it due to a health reason. After that, Google knew what I was looking into and I kept getting YouTube video recommendations for the Kenzzi IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset. 

I spent weeks reading reviews and watching videos about the device. I found videos from content creators sharing their opinions and my goal was to hear the opinion from consumers on both ends of the spectrum, those who were maybe more affiliated with the brand and those who weren’t (like me, this is all honest, they don’t know who I am or what I’m writing right now). 

General Info About Kenzzi

On their website, they share that the Kenzzi handset will produce visible results in just a few treatments and that it is easy to use and gentle on your skin (including your face and Brazillian). It takes a few minutes to treat each area and it’s nice that you can do it all from the comfort of your own home with little to no pain. Speaking of pain, I’m quite tolerant when it comes to hair removal considering I frequently get Brazilians and even napped during my Brazillian once. Compared to that, Kenzzi does not hurt at all. It’s more so of heat/burning (tolerable) and as if you are snapping an elastic on your skin. 

They say that it has 10+ years of flashes when used as recommended (once a week for 12 weeks) so you will be able to be hair free for a very long time. The Kenzzi IPL Handset has been designed to deliver results in 3-4 weeks which I did not see but I will share that soon. It has 5 different power settings to suit your skin tone or skin’s sensitivity while still producing results at any level. Although, in the instruction sheet, they recommend using it at the highest (5) setting. Personally, I used the highest setting in each session.

Cost & What it Comes With

The Kenzzi handset is $335 CAD (you can get free shipping and a $50 off code on their site). With that, you get 1 Kenzzi handset, a charging cord (you use it while plugged in) and an instruction manual. It is a sleek design and looks aesthetic. Keep in mind you will have to pay $30 in DHL duties, taxes and fees on top of the $ you spend on the handset.

Time for the HONEST REVIEW 

I followed the Kenzzi instruction manual and shaved before every session. I started off using the Kenzzi on my armpits, face, and legs. After completing 5 sessions and seeing absolutely no results, I decided to stick to just using it on my armpits since they take less time and it’s easier for me to track the progress. Their return policy seems fair, you can review it here , but pretty much you trial the handset for at least 60 days and no more than 90 days. You must complete at least 6 treatments and take a photo of the area/s you are treating before each session. If there are no noticeable results in hair reduction you send them an email with the photos with the timestamps in each photo. They review the application (must have at least 6 photos WITH timestamps) and they get back to you. 

I started off using the handset at settings 1-3 before using it at 5. At the end of the first session I was at 5 and went over each area 3 times. The handset gets quite hot and almost smells like something is burning at times. My mom walked past my room, a little alarmed as to what I was doing because she could smell it. Like I mentioned before, it’s not painful, it’s more so heat and the feeling of an elastic snapping on your skin. It’s tolerable, so much more tolerable than waxing or using an epilator. After session 5, so 5 weeks of use, I saw no difference. 

After my 6th session on my armpit, I emailed them inquiring about a return. Out of the 6 sessions, I had 4 photos and I was missing 2. I let them know that I did indeed try it out for 6 sessions even though I only had 4 photos. I didn’t think this would pass since they specify that they need at least 6 photos with the dates. They emailed me back and told me to give it another shot and try using it longer, which was fair and expected. The email was polite and prompt. They said that even though they understand my concerns and frustrations with not seeing immediate results, every individual is different and it might just take a few more sessions for me to be able to see visible results. They recommended that I do the IPL Kenzzi treatments for the next few weeks and see how it goes. Additionally, I needed more photos since I did not have 6 to send them. They reminded me to follow the correct prepping process before your treatments, which I appreciated, even though I was using the handset correctly. 

After I sent them the email 6 sessions in, I used the handset for 2 more sessions in order to have more photos and to give it a chance for longer. As for March 23rd, I had used the handset 8 times and here are my final thoughts: I see no results and don’t think this product is worth it. At the end of the day though, it’s your time and money, and with a return policy like this as long as you take photos and use the device consistently for 6-8 weeks (sessions) then why not give it a shot! I believe that everyone’s skin is different and whether it’s hormones, genetics, or something else, one product that works for you might not work for another person and vice versa. 

As for March 23rd, I had used the handset 8 times and here are my final thoughts: I see no results and don’t think this product is worth it.

I hope my return works out because I don’t intend on keeping this $300 tool for no reason. I did everything properly, with prepping my skin (shaving and exfoliating) prior to the sessions, taking the photos and giving it a chance for 8 treatments. I’ll keep shaving and waxing until I decide to go get laser hair removal professionally done. One more thing, a lot of people online said how they dreaded going to their laser appointments and the at-home aspect of this is what sold them. However, if you’re doing full legs, armpits, and other areas, that will take a while. For me, there’s a lot of surface to cover on my legs and the times I did my legs it took me a while (considering you go over the area 2-3 times) and I’m sure I missed some spots, just like I miss spots when waxing/shaving. I would rather have someone else do it quickly while I lay back and relax.


  • I used the Kenzzi Handset for 8 weeks (8 sessions) and saw no results

  • This tool looks like every other at-home handset that you might see on social media (the others I saw are actually cheaper as well, but they look the same and are probably manufactured in the same place)

  • I prepped my skin as recommended (exfoliated and shaved prior to use)

  • Mondays were my Kenzzi nights and I used the device on the highest setting, going over each area (armpits) 3 times per armpit

  • It does not hurt, it simply feels a little warm and like an elastic being snapped on your skin

  • The device gets quite warm, it's a little alarming, and smells like burning

  • The armpits take no time, but if you're doing legs, arms, etc., it will take a lot longer considering you are lasering each body part 3 times

  • The handset costs a lot less than getting laser treatments at a spa

  • You will have to pay the duties and taxes ($30 CAD) when your product arrives

  • You will have to pay the return fees (minimum $22 CAD 2-3 months shipping with no tracking, I paid $58 because I added tracking to that option. If you don't want to wait that long, it's around $100)

  • Once again, I saw no results. I sent the handset back and I will keep you posted on the return process. Overall, I spent $88 that I cannot get back (taxes and duties and return fees).

  • I just think that if you want to do laser, go to a salon.

I will be back with part 2 of this blog to review the return process. I'm hoping that they receive the handset eventually because I'd like to get my $300 back.

Until next time…stay hairy or hairless, live YOUR best life.

- Jana with a Y


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