safety pin ... but make it FASHION for when you just can't commit to a nipple piercing...but wan't to try out the lewk.

side note: I originally wrote this article for RoosterGNN, however, I decided to start my own blog. As I mention in the about section of my blog, where you can get to know me a little better if you'd like hehe, I've wanted to start a blog for wayyyy too long and I'm finally doing it! So I'm sharing the blog I wrote for them on here with more content coming soon!
There are no rules in fashion. Although I may not like a certain look, that's just my opinion, and if you really dig what you're wearing then WEAR IT HUNNY. You can get as creative as you want and wear whatever makes you feel good and comfortable. Yeah sure there might be some judgment from others, that is normal with everything in life. Honestly, it takes time, but it feels so good once you’re comfortable leaving the house with whatever makes YOU feel good without worrying about others’ comments.
I feel like that’s kind of obvious nowadays and you might be wondering why I need to get so deep from the start. But let me tell you…this look that I started wearing about 3 years ago has made some heads turn and I’ve heard a lot of comments (both negative and positive, but mainly negative and judgmental) from people in the streets. I’ve been pointed at, stared at…and all I did was smile back and own it because honestly, I love this look. I think it’s creative, unique, and I feel so badass every time I wear it.
Okay, let’s get to it! As you might know (or not know) nipple piercings are a thing. You might love them you might hate them…and you might want them but can’t commit to them. That’s the group of people I’m in. I’ve read quite a lot about nipple piercings and decided that they’re not for me. However, there is a way to achieve a similar look using SAFETY PINS. Before you say OUCH and hold on to your girlfriends for protection, don’t worry, I don’t mean like a DIY at home piercing. What I’m referring to is adding safety pins to a tank top/crop top/shirt.
I style this look with a beige top that almost matches my skin, I add the safety pins, and usually, I wear this beige top with black jeans. Accessorize as you wish, my go-to for this outfit are white sneakers, a small shoulder bag, a belt to snatch me in and that’s it!
You might like this look and think it’s fun and spicy or you might hate it. Either one is okay! I mainly wear this look out to concerts and festivals and I have made some heads turn hunny. All in all, I think this look is so simple yet unique and eye-catching. It’s become a go-to for me to do on basic crop tops/tank tops to spice up any simple look.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, be honest! And please let me know if you try this out and how it went. Not only am I a curious (nosy) person, but I want to hear from someone else about this look.
Although I have every social media platform, I'm most active on Instagram, so let's connect on there!🤗
Until next time...stay spicy🌶️